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Etymology Seven!

Douglas Harper and I began our joint work in 2013 with our first Etymology! conference in greater Philadelphia. That first ...

I Can Help You Do Grammar!

One of the most misunderstood and misrepresented concepts in the study of PDE (Present-Day English) is verbal constructions, especially auxiliary ...

An Explosive Understanding

I grew up in a very fruity family. One set of maternal great-grandparents (Morris and Ann) met through their fathers ...

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

My shippers are having a baby! Since they are already wonderful parents of a wonderful family, this is the best kind ...

Content Enough to Function

I'm pleased to announce a long-overdue new LEXinar: The Content~Function Continuum. Here's the flyer: If you've received your new LEX ...


2019 calendars are now available! The cover has been updated (get it? up+DATE+ed!), and the inside features the same beautiful ...

Stranger Danger

A longtime client just ordered a couple decks of cards, with this thoughtful and provocative note: Hi Gina, I appreciate ...

The Best Bag of Garbage in the Dump

Recently, at the end of a professional development seminar, I called for any questions that participants might have. "What do ...

That Toddlin’ Town

Hey, hey, hey! Come to this conference. Peter Bowers will be talking about morphology. I'll be talking about phonology. Not ...


Cupcake is in 4th grade. That means more spelling words. It does not mean a more thoughtful or accurate selection ...

Technical Difficulties

I had some issues with blog posts over the past week. I wrote one that ended up in the wrong ...

Storing Up

After a brief hiatus for maintenance and upgrades, the LEX Store is back online and better than ever. The new ...