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Beginner’s Suite

If you’re new to structured word inquiry, these materials will help adult and child learners alike.

Included in Package:

LEX InSight Words Volume 1

Teaching How the Written Word Works by Peter Bowers

Intro LEXinar Package

These four LEXinars will give you a little taste of everything to get you started: history, phonology, orthography & SWI.

Included in Package:

LEXinar: An Introduction to Structured Word Inquiry ($140 Value)

LEXinar: The International Phonetic Alphabet ($75 Value)

LEXinar: Old English for Orthographers ($160 Value)

LEXinar: The Function & Content Continuum ($40 Value)


I can still remember as a kid being frustrated to the point of tears not being able to read and now I read every day extensively. Thank you, Gina.

Paul DeMent, Ph.D. (with his wife and fellow chemist, Jiayi Li), Post-Doctoral Chemist, National Institutes of Health

Linguist Educator Exchange

Paul DeMent, Ph.D. (with his wife and fellow chemist, Jiayi Li), Post-Doctoral Chemist, National Institutes of Health

I can still remember as a kid being frustrated to the point of tears not being able to read and now I read every day extensively. Thank you, Gina.
I have studied English orthography with Gina for the past six years because her teaching is linguistically accurate. She has consistently been able to explain concepts with a clarity and depth of knowledge that I have not found through other professional development offerings. Through her LEXinars and materials, I have deepened my understanding of the English writing system, which has translated into sound and effective instruction for my students. If you are a serious scholar of the written word, I cannot recommend Gina's LEXinars enough.

Karli Lomax, Deeper Learning Coach

Linguist Educator Exchange

Karli Lomax, Deeper Learning Coach

I have studied English orthography with Gina for the past six years because her teaching is linguistically accurate. She has consistently been able to explain concepts with a clarity and depth of knowledge that I have not found through other professional development offerings. Through her LEXinars and materials, I have deepened my understanding of the English writing system, which has translated into sound and effective instruction for my students. If you are a serious scholar of the written word, I cannot recommend Gina's LEXinars enough.
I met Gina at a conference shortly after my daughter’s diagnosis. I was emotional, and desperate for help! Gina graciously invited me to meet with her later that week. We lived close to one another and we began studying twice a week in her home. I saw something shift in our daughter…suddenly learning made sense. Gina provided a safe and encouraging environment free of judgement. Gina understands the dyslexic mind and was (and still is) a pro at instilling confidence, pride in the way the dyslexic mind works, and laying out the truth of the written language that had been so confusing to our daughter.

I really can’t put a price tag on the years we spent studying with Gina. Our daughter went from almost failing second grade to being on honor roll in junior high. Our 5 years of studying and learning from Gina have had a foundational impact on our daughter. Gina has been our daughter's biggest cheerleader and advocate. She saw our daughter's potential when all I could see was the struggle. For that, I am forever grateful!

Mom of a Child with Dyslexia

Linguist Educator Exchange

Mom of a Child with Dyslexia

I met Gina at a conference shortly after my daughter’s diagnosis. I was emotional, and desperate for help! Gina graciously invited me to meet with her later that week. We lived close to one another and we began studying twice a week in her home. I saw something shift in our daughter…suddenly learning made sense. Gina provided a safe and encouraging environment free of judgement. Gina understands the dyslexic mind and was (and still is) a pro at instilling confidence, pride in the way the dyslexic mind works, and laying out the truth of the written language that had been so confusing to our daughter. I really can’t put a price tag on the years we spent studying with Gina. Our daughter went from almost failing second grade to being on honor roll in junior high. Our 5 years of studying and learning from Gina have had a foundational impact on our daughter. Gina has been our daughter's biggest cheerleader and advocate. She saw our daughter's potential when all I could see was the struggle. For that, I am forever grateful!
Gina Cooke’s LEXinars take away the mystery of English as a written language. Her explanations are concrete and thorough, while filling in the gaps left behind by many popular reading programs. Her examples help teachers, parents, and speech-language pathologists like me make English orthography accessible to learners of all ages.

Hadasah Chapman, CCC-SLP

Linguist Educator Exchange

Hadasah Chapman, CCC-SLP

Gina Cooke’s LEXinars take away the mystery of English as a written language. Her explanations are concrete and thorough, while filling in the gaps left behind by many popular reading programs. Her examples help teachers, parents, and speech-language pathologists like me make English orthography accessible to learners of all ages.
As a linguist and homeschooling mom, the information that I have learned from LEX has opened my eyes to the coherence and beauty of the English spelling system. If not for LEX classes and materials, I as a homeschooling mom would still dread spelling lessons with my kids and believe myself to be a bad speller.

Heather Marie Kosur, M.L.S., M.A., Linguist and Homeschooling Mom

Linguist Educator Exchange

Heather Marie Kosur, M.L.S., M.A., Linguist and Homeschooling Mom

As a linguist and homeschooling mom, the information that I have learned from LEX has opened my eyes to the coherence and beauty of the English spelling system. If not for LEX classes and materials, I as a homeschooling mom would still dread spelling lessons with my kids and believe myself to be a bad speller.
As a speech-language pathologist, I truly appreciated Gina’s LEXinars. I had been an SLP for twenty years including nine years teaching and supervising in a university setting and it was not until I began learning in the LEXinars that I realized what I didn’t know about language. The depth of understanding that was presented built my confidence as a developing literacy specialist and completely changed the way I practiced with children and adults alike. All of the questions I had lingering after attending numerous continuing education seminars were answered. I was so impressed with the courses that I began directing other SLPs to the courses and they all come back to me expressing gratitude, excitement, and enthusiasm. This is the information we were missing in our field. It is my hope that more SLPs and teachers gain the knowledge presented here so we can witness a true literacy revolution.

Shawna Pope, MS, CCC-SLP, Language and Literacy Solutions

Linguist Educator Exchange

Shawna Pope, MS, CCC-SLP, Language and Literacy Solutions

As a speech-language pathologist, I truly appreciated Gina’s LEXinars. I had been an SLP for twenty years including nine years teaching and supervising in a university setting and it was not until I began learning in the LEXinars that I realized what I didn’t know about language. The depth of understanding that was presented built my confidence as a developing literacy specialist and completely changed the way I practiced with children and adults alike. All of the questions I had lingering after attending numerous continuing education seminars were answered. I was so impressed with the courses that I began directing other SLPs to the courses and they all come back to me expressing gratitude, excitement, and enthusiasm. This is the information we were missing in our field. It is my hope that more SLPs and teachers gain the knowledge presented here so we can witness a true literacy revolution.
Gina Cooke's understanding of English Orthography is exceptional. I cannot recommend Gina's classes or materials enough. Gina is able to offer her students insight into written language that very literally cannot be found anywhere else. Her candid perspective and sharp wit serve to help her students understand written language honestly, to recognize meaningful structures for what they are and for what they are not. Any human on the face of the planet who interfaces with written language could benefit from studying with Gina, and her groundbreaking LEX Grapheme Deck and other materials have been real beacons of light for me as I've taken on this study.

Gina's classes are for people who are willing to think for themselves, who want to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work of dismantling what they think they might know in order to build real intelectual ground on which to stand. She's changed my life forever and I will always be grateful to her. Sign up for a class and check out her materials. You won't find what she's built anywhere else.

Emily O'Connor, Advantage Math Clinic

Linguist Educator Exchange

Emily O'Connor, Advantage Math Clinic

Gina Cooke's understanding of English Orthography is exceptional. I cannot recommend Gina's classes or materials enough. Gina is able to offer her students insight into written language that very literally cannot be found anywhere else. Her candid perspective and sharp wit serve to help her students understand written language honestly, to recognize meaningful structures for what they are and for what they are not. Any human on the face of the planet who interfaces with written language could benefit from studying with Gina, and her groundbreaking LEX Grapheme Deck and other materials have been real beacons of light for me as I've taken on this study. Gina's classes are for people who are willing to think for themselves, who want to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work of dismantling what they think they might know in order to build real intelectual ground on which to stand. She's changed my life forever and I will always be grateful to her. Sign up for a class and check out her materials. You won't find what she's built anywhere else.
These classes are worth their weight in gold. My understanding builds with each one I take. The spare, rich explanations offered clarify concepts I’ve wondered about for decades. I am a long-time Orton-Gillingham Fellow but if I want to grow as a teacher it is LEX for the win.

Holly A. Shapiro, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Linguist Educator Exchange

Holly A. Shapiro, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

These classes are worth their weight in gold. My understanding builds with each one I take. The spare, rich explanations offered clarify concepts I’ve wondered about for decades. I am a long-time Orton-Gillingham Fellow but if I want to grow as a teacher it is LEX for the win.
Linguist Educator Exchange