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Grapheme Deck 3.1 Supplement Label Image
LEX™ Grapheme Deck 3.1 Supplement$10.00
Orthographic Morphology Suite
Orthographic Morphology Suite Original price was: $105.00.Current price is: $99.00.
Orthographic Etymology Suite
Orthographic Etymology Suite Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $94.00.
Photo contains the labels for the fours products contained in the Suite.
Orthographic Phonology Suite Original price was: $115.00.Current price is: $105.00.
Beginner's Suite
Beginner's Suite$50.00
InSight™ Suite
InSight™ SuiteFrom: $95.00
Sixty-Five Weeks: an orthographic resource for Fry List study
LEX™ Sixty-Five Weeks$165.00
LEX™ Grapheme Deck - 3rd Edition
LEX™ Grapheme Deck - 3rd Edition$85.00
LEX™ InSight Words Volume 1
LEX™ InSight Words Volume 1$20.00
LEX™ InSight Words Volume 2
LEX™ InSight Words Volume 2$20.00
LEX InSight™ Words Volume 3
LEX InSight™ Words Volume 3$20.00
LEX InSight™ Words Supplement
LEX InSight™ Words Supplement$10.00
Latin Palatals Study Deck Image
LEX Latin Palatals™ Study Deck$10.00

Latin Palatals Suite

LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

LEX Latin Palatals™ POSTERS

These 18" x 12" POSTERS for the LEX Latin Palatals™ were developed as a concise, colorful tool for readers and their teachers, to encourage continued inquiry into these patterns in Latinate words

The Latin Palatals™ POSTERS contains five prints identical to the LEX Latin Palatals™ Study Deck and the understanding represented in the Latin Palatals™ LEXinar.

LEX™ InSights into Inflections
LEX™ InSights into Inflections$10.00
Latin Palatals Posters Image
LEX Latin Palatals™ POSTERS$40.00

Latin Palatals Suite

LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

LEX Latin Palatals™ Study Deck

This Study Deck for the LEX Latin Palatals™ was developed as a concise, colorful tool for readers and their teachers, to encourage continued inquiry into these patterns in Latinate words, most of which are typically taught with long lists of nonsense forms like *<-sion> or <*ture> or <*cial> or <*tious>.

The Latin Palatals™ Study Deck contains six cards featuring more than 100 words artfully arranged to visually mark the phonology of the consonants that may palatalize in words of Latin origin.

Based on orthographic linguistic research, this deck provides visual cues to the internal structures of words in the permanent context of their families. In classrooms and clinics, the cards in this Deck can contribute to both students’ and teaches’ deepening understanding of the English writing system as a whole.

LEX™ InSights into Auxiliaries
LEX™ InSights into Auxiliaries$15.00
LEX InSight™ Word POSTERS$40.00
LEX™ Matrix Study Sheets Volume 1
LEX™ Matrix Study Sheets Volume 1$25.00
LEX™ Matrix Study Sheets Volume 2
LEX™ Matrix Study Sheets Volume 2$40.00
Teaching How the Written Word Works by Peter Bowers
Teaching How the Written Word Works by Peter Bowers$30.00
Why is a Tiger a Tiger? A Bestiary of Etymology
Why is a Tiger a Tiger? A Bestiary of Etymology$20.00
Why is an Apple an Apple? A Garden of Etymology (book cover)
Why is an Apple an Apple? A Garden of Etymology$20.00

Study the book with LEX

LEXinar™: Why a Word is a Word

This single, two-hour LEXinar demonstrates how to study etymology with children, using Dave Buchen's etymology books and other resources.

Por Qué un Tigre es un Tigre
Por Qué un Tigre es un Tigre$20.00
Scott Mills' Etymology Study Sheets
Scott Mills' Etymology Study Sheets$40.00

LEXinar Packages

All Seasonal LEXinars

(Winter = Dec-Feb, Spring = Mar-May, Summer = Jun-Aug, Fall = Sept-Nov)

ImageLEXinar NameSummarySeasonPriceRegisterhf:tags
LEXinar™: Default Graphemes
LEXinar™: Default Graphemes

How do we know what default graphemes are, and what are the reasons for diverging from them? This 6-hour seminar is comprised of three 2-hour installments.

fall, spring$160.00
fall spring
LEXinar™: The Science of Silence
LEXinar™: The Science of Silence

How can we tell the difference between one “silent” letter and another? Study the Science of Silence in this 4.5-hour seminar comprised of three 90-minute installments.

summer, winter$140.00
summer winter
LEXinar™: The Zero Allophone
LEXinar™: The Zero Allophone

Understanding the zero allophone is critical to understanding the role of stress, syllables, and phonemes in English orthography. Three 90-minute installments: Consonants, Vowels, and Implications.

fall, summer$120.00
fall summer
LEXinar™: The Spell of Spelling & The Glamour of Grammar
LEXinar™: The Spell of Spelling & The Glamour of Grammar

A 5-episode, 7.5-hour online conference for studying the intersections of spelling and grammar.

LEXinar™: The Nature of the Grapheme
LEXinar™: The Nature of the Grapheme

Graphemes are morphologically constrained and etymologically governed — but how? This 4.5-hour seminar is comprised of three 90-minute installments.

fall, summer$120.00
fall summer
LEXinar™: The Nature of the Phoneme
LEXinar™: The Nature of the Phoneme

Three 90-minute installments target Consonants, Vowels, and Orthographic Phonology.

summer, winter$120.00
summer winter
LEXinar™: The International Phonetic Alphabet
LEXinar™: The International Phonetic Alphabet

Study is primarily concerned with present-day English and its transcription. Two 90-minute installments: Consonants and Vowels.

spring, summer$90.00
spring summer
Why a Word is a Word (And how to Tell with LEX, based in the books of Dave Buchen
LEXinar™: Why a Word is a Word

This single, two-hour LEXinar demonstrates how to study etymology with children, using Dave Buchen’s etymology books and other resources.


Study the book with LEX!

Why is an Apple an Apple? A Garden of Etymology

LEXinar™: The Function & Content Continuum™
LEXinar™: The Function & Content Continuum™

This single, two-hour LEXinar demonstrates the study not only of function and content words, but also of how they are marked as such by their spellings.

fall, spring, summer$50.00
fall spring summer
LEXinar™: Syllables: Fact & Fiction™
LEXinar™: Syllables: Fact & Fiction™

This 6-hour seminar is comprised of four 1.5-hour installments. Our study will examine syllable types and syllable division patterns commonly taught in the light of an accurate linguistic understanding of syllable structure in spoken and written English.

fall, winter$140.00
fall winter
LEXinar™: Strong Verbs: from Old English to Today
LEXinar™: Strong Verbs: from Old English to Today

This 4.5-hour advanced seminar is comprised of three 1.5-hour installments. Our study will target the seven classes of strong verbs in Old English and their legacies in present- day English.

summer, winter$120.00
summer winter
LEXinar™: Stress and the Schwa
LEXinar™: Stress and the Schwa

A 5-episode, 7.5-hour online conference for studying stress and its effects on English orthography, including the schwa.

fall, spring$160.00
fall spring
LEXinar™: Old English for Orthographers™
LEXinar™: Old English for Orthographers™

This 7.5-hour advanced seminar is comprised of five 1.5-hour weekly installments. Our study will target specific patterns and structures in Old English and their legacy in present-day English.

spring, winter$160.00
spring winter
LEXinar™: Latin Palatals
LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

fall, summer$150.00

Latin Palatals Suite

LEX Latin Palatals™ Study Deck

This Study Deck for the LEX Latin Palatals™ was developed as a concise, colorful tool for readers and their teachers, to encourage continued inquiry into these patterns in Latinate words, most of which are typically taught with long lists of nonsense forms like *<-sion> or <*ture> or <*cial> or <*tious>.

The Latin Palatals™ Study Deck contains six cards featuring more than 100 words artfully arranged to visually mark the phonology of the consonants that may palatalize in words of Latin origin.

Based on orthographic linguistic research, this deck provides visual cues to the internal structures of words in the permanent context of their families. In classrooms and clinics, the cards in this Deck can contribute to both students’ and teaches’ deepening understanding of the English writing system as a whole.

LEX Latin Palatals™ POSTERS

These 18" x 12" POSTERS for the LEX Latin Palatals™ were developed as a concise, colorful tool for readers and their teachers, to encourage continued inquiry into these patterns in Latinate words

The Latin Palatals™ POSTERS contains five prints identical to the LEX Latin Palatals™ Study Deck and the understanding represented in the Latin Palatals™ LEXinar.

fall summer
LEXinar™: An Introduction to Structured Word Inquiry
LEXinar™: An Introduction to Structured Word Inquiry

This LEXinar is comprised of five 90-minute installments targeting structured word inquiry, the lexical word matrix, and the word sum.

fall, summer, winter$150.00
fall summer winter
LEXinar™: Drawing Conclusions
LEXinar™: Drawing Conclusions

This LEXinar is comprised of two 90-minute installments targeting expository writing and specifically focusing on compelling conclusions.

spring, winter$90.00
spring winter
Greco-English Anatomy on a Greek urn image
LEXinar™: Greco-English Anatomy

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the morphological structures in English words of Greek origin

fall, spring$150.00

Classics Series

LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

fall spring
Greek urn with the class title across the front
LEXinar™: Greek Ingredients

This LEXinar is comprised of five 90-minute installments targeting a familiarity with the Greek Alphabet.

summer, winter$165.00

Classics Series

LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

LEXinar™: Latin Anatomy

This LEXinar is comprised of five 90-minute installments investigating the morphological structures in words of Latin origin.

LEXinar™: Greco-English Anatomy

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the morphological structures in English words of Greek origin

LEXinar™: Abjads for Orthographers

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the orthographic structures in English words of Semitic origin

summer winter
Latin Anatomy Cover Photo
LEXinar™: Latin Anatomy

This LEXinar is comprised of five 90-minute installments investigating the morphological structures in words of Latin origin.

fall, spring$165.00

Classics Series

LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

LEXinar™: Greek Ingredients

This LEXinar is comprised of five 90-minute installments targeting a familiarity with the Greek Alphabet.

LEXinar™: Greco-English Anatomy

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the morphological structures in English words of Greek origin

LEXinar™: Abjads for Orthographers

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the orthographic structures in English words of Semitic origin

fall spring
Abjads for Orthographers over a picture of a Phoenician artifact.
LEXinar™: Abjads for Orthographers

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the orthographic structures in English words of Semitic origin

summer, winter$150.00

Classics Series

LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

summer winter
LEXinar™: InSights into Verbs
LEXinar™: InSights into Verbs

Understanding the English verb is key to understanding not only sentence structure, but also content and function words, participles, and – of interest to orthographers — how verbal suffixes do and do not work. This 6-hour seminar is comprised of four 1.5-hour installments.

fall, summer$135.00
fall summer
InSights into Sight Words with Linguist~Educator Exchange
LEXinar™: InSight Words

Understanding so-called sight words is key to understanding how English orthography actually does and does not work. This single-installment seminar is 1.5 – 2 hours online.

fall, winter$50.00
fall winter

Year-Long LEXinars

ImageLEXinar NameSummaryPriceRegister
A section of the Bayeux Tapestry
Not Angles but Angels: A History of English

This longitudinal course is designed to investigate and interrogate the history of English with a focus on the written language, the orthography, and the literacy of its speakers, using the university-level textbook, This Language, A River, as our guide. Class total cost is $900 – paid in monthly installments. Course must be paid in full before the 7th class meeting.

Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Grammar for Grown-Ups LEXinar
Grammar for Grown-Ups LEXinar

This longitudinal course is designed to investigate and interrogate the English sentence: its nature, its structures, its connections to and distinctions from other structures, and how it surfaces in texts. Class total cost is $900 – paid in monthly installments.

Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Linguistics for Non-Linguists
Linguistics for Non-Linguists

This longitudinal course is designed to investigate and interrogate the aims and methods of linugistic science, the nature and functions of language, and the history of language. Class total cost is $900 – paid in monthly installments.

Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Licensed Digital Downloads

Final Spellings Activities
Final Spellings Activities$10.00
Reasons to Use ee & ea
Reasons to Use ee & ea$14.00
Making Sense of Syllables (Cooke 2011)
Making Sense of Syllables (Cooke 2011)$4.00
Words and phrases frm study sheet sample
Study Words & Phrases (Cooke 2013)$12.00