LEXinar™: The Nature of the Phoneme
Three 90-minute installments target Consonants, Vowels, and Orthographic Phonology.
The phoneme is often defined as the smallest unit of speech or a minimal speech sound, and it’s the target of much instructional emphasis. However, these definitions miss the most important aspect of a phoneme: it’s a psychological construct, not a physical pronunciation. The misapprehension of the phoneme is reflected in a wide variety of instructional practices, but a rigorous study of the writing system renders phonemes visible and redefines for us how phonemes may actually be organized in English. Three 90-minute installments target Consonants, Vowels, and Orthographic Phonology. The IPA LEXinar is strongly recommended as a prerequisite, unless participants already know and use the IPA.
LEXinars are delivered online, live in real time. They are not archived or recorded. Scheduling is never negotiated prior
to registration.
See www.linguisteducatorexchange.com/lexinars for instructions and scheduling information.