Linguistics for Non-Linguists
$100.00 – $200.00
This longitudinal course is designed to investigate and interrogate the aims and methods of linugistic science, the nature and functions of language, and the history of language. Class total cost is $900 – paid in monthly installments.
This longitudinal course is designed to investigate and interrogate the aims and methods of linugistic science, the nature and functions of language, and the history of language. Unlike most introductory descriptive linguistics courses, this course targets English specifically, with a polyglot perspective. Our teaching of language can only be as deep and as strong as our own study of it, and requires the ongoing development of our understanding of how language is structured and how to describe it. Earnest study in this course will establish a basic understanding of the discipine of linguistics and of English, both spoken and written, and how they both evolved. Class consists of 12 two-hour installments, delivered online in real time. Includes handouts and film resources; textbook or other materials may be required. Payment Plans Available.
Refundable deposit. Payment plans available.
LEXinars are delivered online, live in real time. They are not archived or recorded. Scheduling is never negotiated prior
to registration.
See for instructions and scheduling information.