LEXinar™: Default Graphemes
How do we know what default graphemes are, and what are the reasons for diverging from them? This 6-hour seminar is comprised of three 2-hour installments.
In an alphabetic writing system, a phoneme may be associated with more than one grapheme; this is especially true in so-called “deep” or “opaque” orthographies like English. But among multiple spellings, there is a default spelling. Non-default spellings are driven by something other than just sound, and they often contribute meaningful information about the words they are in. How do we know what these default spellings are, and what are the reasons for diverging from them? This 6-hour seminar is comprised of three 2-hour installments. The Nature of the Grapheme or The Function & Content Continuum are recommended prerequisites. This class is not recommended as a first LEXinar.
LEXinars are delivered online, live in real time. They are not archived or recorded. Scheduling is never negotiated prior to registration. Terms & conditions apply.
See www.linguisteducatorexchange.com/lexinars for instructions and scheduling information.