LEXinar™: The Nature of the Grapheme
Graphemes are morphologically constrained and etymologically governed — but how? This 4.5-hour seminar is comprised of three 90-minute installments.
The grapheme is misunderstood, misnamed, and misdefined in phonics, and most linguistics texts aren’t much help. Caught in the no-man’s-land between language arts and language science, graphemes are often mistaken for phonemes, for letters, for clusters, for diphthongs, for morphemes: they are none of these things. Graphemes are morphologically constrained and etymologically governed — but how? This 4.5-hour seminar is comprised of three 90-minute installments.
LEXinars are delivered online, live in real time. They are not archived or recorded. Scheduling is never negotiated prior
to registration. Terms & conditions apply.
See www.linguisteducatorexchange.com/lexinars for instructions and scheduling information.