History LEXinar™ Package

Original price was: $480.00.Current price is: $455.00.

*Old English Prerequisite

LEXinar™: Strong Verbs: from Old English to Today

This 4.5-hour advanced seminar is comprised of three 1.5-hour installments. Our study will target the seven classes of strong verbs in Old English and their legacies in present- day English.

LEXinar™: Etymonline Online!

This 7.5-hour advanced seminar is comprised of five 1.5-hour weekly installments. Our study will target specific questions regarding etymology, and will investigate the structure, content, and use of The Online Etymology Dictionary with Douglas Harper.

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LEXinar™: Latin Palatals

This LEXinar is comprised of four 90-minute installments investigating the historical and present-day patterns of palatized consonants in words of Latin origin.

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