Why is an Apple an Apple? A Garden of Etymology


Study the book with LEX

LEXinar™: Why a Word is a Word

This single, two-hour LEXinar demonstrates how to study etymology with children, using Dave Buchen's etymology books and other resources.

SKU: why-apple-apple Category:

The true stories of where the words for fruits and vegetables come from with over fifty paper-cut illustrations. Learn how English got the words rice, rhubarb, and rutabaga, and scores more. What common herb started out as a water nymph? What connects corn and the pomegranate? Learn how humans first cultivated our foods with help from dogs, fish, and goddesses. Dig up the linguistic roots from Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Arawak, and a language so old that linguists had to invent a name for it. Travel from Malaysia to Mexico and from the Volga to Valencia in a book for all ages. (By Dave Buchen)

Additional information
Weight 14 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .25 in

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