LEX Seeing the Sense in Spelling Seminar Page 1
This summer I’ll be offering a 2-day seminar in Cincinnati. There’s probably a more elegant way to do this, but in the meantime, interested parties can have a look at this post and the next for information and a registration form.
Sounds like a great event. I’d like to attend. Sounds like registration is
at the door?? I’ll look for more info on LEX.
Marcia Johnson
Children’s Dyslexia Center
Evansville, Indiana
Thanks, Marcia. While it is possible to register at the door, pre-registration is possible, and preferable.
I would love to attend. I’m not sure I can get out to Ohio. Are you offering a Webinar?
Cynthia Allen-Fuss
Childen’s Dyslexia Center
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Hi Cynthia,
Unfortunately, I can’t broadcast a 2-day seminar. I am planning another (1 or 2 day) seminar in Philly in March of 2013 though, if that’s better for you! I hope to be able to do more of these, and other seminars (specific word studies, for example), as I finish up my degree program. Thanks for asking about it!
[…] this month, I gave two weekend seminars called Seeing the Sense in Spelling. Each one was a thorough joy, though they were very […]