Etymology!™ IX: Pandemics & Plagues
Happy New Year!
Announcing Etymology!™ IX ~ Pandemics & Plagues: How Disease Has Defined English. Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, March 19~20~21, 2021. As we’ve done for the past few years, you have the choice of attending Friday only for Etymology Basics, Saturday & Sunday only for the core conference, or all three days.
This year’s Etymology!™ registration comes a little late, but what do you expect? We’re in the middle of a pandemic!
We’re staying online this year for our 1, 2-, or 3-day conference (your choice!), and adding in an optional Medieval cooking class with a fantastic home chef, on Friday or Saturday, depending on demand. Participants will receive a shopping list and recipe prior to class, including wine pairing suggestions and a simple dessert. Each day features a welcome video, and morning, midday, and afternoon sessions with breaks and activities in-between. We’ll be running 9:00am to 2:30pm Pacific Daylight Time.
A fully-refundable $100 deposit secures your EarlyBird pricing through January 19th.
Don’t be plagued by etymological ignorance! Register today for a fantastic online weekend the first weekend of spring!