Hwæt! Old English for Orthographers!

The Old English digraph <eo> is often rendered in present-day English as a double <e>:


And many, many more.

If you dig this kind of stuff, you may want to sign up for the Old English for Orthographers LEXinar, five Mondays from 6:30-8:00pm Central Daylight time, June 23rd ~ July 21st.

Note: This inaugural Old English LEXinar is now full. Other schedules will be offered; or, gather your own group of three and propose a schedule to me!


  1. Marcia Johnson says:

    Gina is there a flyer for this that I can use to get pre-approval from ALTA for CEUs? Thanks.

    Marcia Johns

  2. Mary Beth Steven says:

    Yes please!

    Mary Beth

  3. This sounds great! Mondays from 6:30-8:00pm Central Daylight time, starting June 23rd…. and running through what date?

  4. marymcbride101 says:

    I’m in, Gina, and thrilled that you are digging in so soon!

    Please send cost, payment info, and number of sessions.

    Thanks, Mary

  5. Karen Leopold says:

    I’m interested and it sounds like a great course. How many sessions are there in the course? What is the ending date?

  6. Jean Hutchinson says:


    I want to join the class on Old English! Will you send the dates?

  7. Gail Venable says:

    Whee! I’m in. Would also like a flyer and number of sessions. I’m so glad you are doing this, Gina.

  8. Elizabeth Lee says:

    Hi, I’m interested please send a flyer with dates etc. Thanks

  9. […] concepts rather than stuff. I recently learned of this through Gina Cooke’s brilliant course Old English for Orthographers where we saw that the adoption of ‘they’, ‘them’ , and […]

  10. […] who take the Old English for Orthographers LEXinar take a critical look at what’s said about the historical origins of words. Many […]

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