Content Enough to Function

I’m pleased to announce a long-overdue new LEXinar: The Content~Function Continuum.

Here’s the flyer:

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If you’ve received your new LEX Grapheme Deck, or an InSight Deck, and you’d like to understand more about “lexical spellings” or “functional spellings,” this is the class for you.

I’m offering this class twice over the northern hemisphere’s winter break: Friday, December 28th at 5pm CENTRAL Standard Time, or Thursday, January 3rd at 9am CENTRAL. When you register, please indicate which one you’d like to take.

The class includes a printable activity handout.

Please join me! Go here to register.


  1. Megan Griffin says:

    Gina,  I signed up for this class, but forgot to put in the comments that I would like the Friday Dec 28th class.  Very much looking forward to this class! Thanks, Megan Griff

  2. Sarah Guider says:

    Gina, please sign me up for January 3rd!

  3. H Lekkas says:

    Is this seminar available to those in the southern hemisphere’s summer break (Australian Eastern Standard Time)? Also, is there anyone with whom you have studied or worked with that presents content like yours in Australia? Or will you ever sail the seas to our shores to spread your word nerdiness?

  4. Nella says:

    Hi Gina,
    I just signed up for the Function-Content Continuum class. Could you put me down for December 28th? I couldn’t work out where to list that, sorry.

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