LEXinar™: InSights into Verbs


Understanding the English verb is key to understanding not only sentence structure, but also content and function words, participles, and – of interest to orthographers — how verbal suffixes do and do not work. This 6-hour seminar is comprised of four 1.5-hour installments.

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The verb — from the Latin verbum (‘word’) — is the sine qua non of the sentence. As with any aspect of Grammar, every language organizes its system of verbs somewhat differently. English verbs are widely misunderstood, with common confusion between tense and aspect, mood and voice, and ‘helping’ and ‘linking’ verbs.

Understanding the English verb is key to understanding not only sentence structure, but also content and function words, participles, and – of interest to orthographers — how verbal suffixes do and do not work. This 6-hour seminar is comprised of four 1.5-hour installments.

LEXinars are delivered online, live in real time. They are not archived or recorded. Scheduling is never negotiated prior
to registration.

See www.linguisteducatorexchange.com/lexinars for instructions and scheduling information.